negative effect if I install Windows 10 in a very low processor laptop?

hi guys if you want to upgrade windows 7 to windows 10 that's good but if you have a low processor that not a good idea because if you install windows 10 on the low processer you face lags and when you open new tabs or open software it takes time to open or sometimes it's crash if you have low processer like core to duo processor, Pentium processor you face problems if you have a core to duo processor, Pentium processor like the processor in your computer you would go for windows7 or windows 8

if really want to use windows 10 in you're computer you have to upgrade your computer 
you need an i3 processor and 4gb ram to run windows 10 smoothly 

if you don't by the new computer one more thing you can do 
you have to install more ram if your motherboard support 4gb ram go for 4gb ram

I hope you like my solution for low and processor 

for more info click

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