5 HTML Tips and Tricks Nobody is talking about
No.1 Lazy loading image
Lazy loading prevents the loading of images that aren't really needed on the screen immediately. as you scroll down or closer to the image begins to load.
No.2 Input Suggestions
use this input hack to get useful and relevant suggestions when you are trying to search for something really helpful.
No.3 Picture tag
using the <picture>tag which allows you to add multiple images fitting different widths instead of having a single one scale up&down.
No.4 Base URL
This tag comes in handy when you have a lot of anchor tags redirecting to a certain URL and all the URLs start with the same base address.
No.5 Document refresher
this will redirect the user to the provided URL that is "https://google.com" in 4 seconds and then set to 0 for an immediate.
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