hardware recovery software

Top 3 Data Recovery Hardware

Recovering data from physically damaged hardware can involve multiple techniques. Some damage can be repaired by replacing parts in the hard disk. This alone may make the disk usable, but there may still be logical damage. A specialized disk-imaging procedure is used to recover every readable bit from the surface.

1# DeepSpar Disk Imager

The Disk Imager from DeepSpar is a hardware recovery kit, which is helpful in the drive-to-drive data recovery service. The unit comprises of a PC system that connects directly to the damaged drive. With the help of the hardware, it communicates with the disk at a low ATA register level. The process, therefore, bypasses the usual BIOS calling the hard drive. The standard operation of using BIOS does not help in the retrieval of corrupted sectors because it will cause a system failure.

The Disk Imager controls the power input to the source unit, so that, it can re-power the source without rebooting. The DeepSpar uses appropriate ATA commands and vendor-specific commands. These commands are capable of bypassing the ECC errors, and gain the potential to send hardware and software reset commands to the drive that help in controlling the "read timeout". The read timeout is a defined amount of time calculated in milliseconds that the hard drive receives in order to read a particular sector within the tape.

If the hard disk reaches the read timeout before it reads the sector currently, then it will skip the sector. The disk image keeps a record of the skipped sector in its map and ensures that it reprocess the sector at later passes. With the help of the software, it is possible for the end-user to set all the commands and parameters according to the requirement. The map feature within the disk imager remembers the skipped sectors and the errors. Due to this, it runs multiple passes without the need to reprocess previously read sectors. It will only process the errors and skipped sectors. Rather than creating an image file, it uses different techniques and commands to create an image of the sectors of the source directly to a destination drive.

2# ACE Laboratory – PC-3000 Express System

The PC-3000 Express System from ACE Laboratory is a powerful hardware-software based combination to recover data from a damaged disk that runs of ATA and IDE interfaces. The system provides support to multiple vendors, making it easy for a user to plug-in any hard drive, access the damage, and select the appropriate action to retrieve the content. If time and speed are important for a customer, using the PC-3000 Express System is the answer. 

The hardware-based recovery system functions efficiently and effectively while running at high speeds to read bad sectors from a damaged hard drive. The benefit of using the system is its ability to allow four different recovery tasks to run in the same instance without any speed loss for either of the operation.

The hardware system is helpful for small labs that fulfill urgent tasks and larger companies that require a fast turnaround time in recovery gigabytes of data. A user can set the parameters using the provided software and perform an operation of data retrieval.

3# Nanoforensico

Nanoforensic, established in 2008, is a reseller of hardware and software components in the field of computer forensics. The platform works as a single station to purchase forensic software, forensic hardware, workstations, forensic duplicators, write blockers, mobile hardware, and software solutions, along with data recovery software and hardware solutions. The extensive collection of the hardware in the data recovery category provides the needed answer for a customer who is searching for a solution to recover data from a damaged hard disk.

The products offered are SalvationDATA compass, SalvationDATA Doctor Suite, SalvationDATA Flash Doctor, SalavationDATA HD HPE PRO, ACE Laboratory PC-3000 for Windows, ACE Laboratory PC-3000 for SCSI, ACE Laboratory PC-3000 Portable, and ACE Laboratory PC-3000 Flash SSD Edition. With all the hardware products available at a single place, you will benefit in choosing an appropriate model that best suits to your requirement and need.

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